Leading with happiness

Company and team culture has the potential to be a strategic advantage


The main objective of the workshop is to develop the leadership skills of the participants.

Being great at your job and being a great leader are 2 very different things that require very different competencies. For a great leader it is important to be able to work with people, enabling others to do their best work. To build an environment of trust and psychological safety, to find ways to ignite a spark of intrinsic motivation in people over the long term. To find ways to maximise the potential of individuals and to connect individuals into a functional whole of great teamwork. 

We'll look at how to be a great leader through the lens of perspective:

  1. efficiency and meaningful results
  2. trust and strong relationships
  3. growth and learning
  4. health and energy management


  • They will get many practical tips from Czech and foreign companies on how to build a great team / company culture

  • They will discover ways to work effectively with themselves as leaders

  • They will leave with specific recipes for effective teamwork

  • They will understand what real leadership is about and what it is not

  • They will gain inspiration and best practices from other participants from the discussions through an interactive and sharing workshop format


  • Small business owners and CEOs who want to build a great company culture

  • Managers who want to maximize the potential of their people

  • Teamleaders who want to find the recipe for effective teamwork 

27. 6. 2023 from 9:00 to 16:00


8.900,- Kč without VAT

Max 15 participants


Michal Šrajer

Michal combines two passions: IT and positive psychology. After Matfyz, Michal co-founded Inmite - a company focused on mobile application development. Soon he started bringing insights from positive psychology to the company and became the first ever Chief Happiness Officer in the Czech Republic. He also continued his role as CHO at Avast, a global software company that acquired Inmite in 2014. He also co-founded the largest Central European conference on happiness at work - Happiness@Work - 5 years ago and still organizes it today.

Martin Šafařík

Martin focuses on motivating and engaging people in the company, building a great and sustainable company culture, effective teamwork, or personal development focused on energy management. He is a partner in Happiness@Work, co-founder of the Workshop Box project, member of the Red Button network, lecturer in the MBA program at the European School of Business & Management, and freelance in leadership academies and cultural transformation projects.